“The SPARC program (Single Parents Arriving Ready for College) at Santa Barbara City College was a lifesaver,” says Amara Teague, a history student at SBCC. “In addition to information about how to apply to college and succeed, the summer bridge program provides childcare, which is amazing. I was able to go to college and study, knowing my 3-year-old daughter was in good hands, and then come home and be a mom.”

“Since then, I have received lots of support from EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services). When I am struggling with coursework or have questions about transferring to UCSB, they know what to do. My goal is to graduate from SBCC and then earn a BA in history at UCSB. The support programs at SBCC have made it possible for me to go to college and be successful.”

The SBCC Foundation helps students like Amara Teague prepare for college and achieve their goals.

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