SBCC Nursing student Tatiana Speier is the daughter of an emergency room doctor and has known since she was in high school that she wanted to be a nurse. She got a head start in pursuing her dream by enrolling at SBCC as a dual enrollment student while still in high school.

“I met with a counselor and figured out what classes I would need to take,” said Tatiana. “I started in my junior year and was able to complete my pre-requisites for SBCC’s ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) program.” Once she started full-time in college, Tatiana was able to enroll as an SBCC Promise student, which meant that all of her required fees, books, and supplies were covered for two years. She was able to complete all of her general education requirements and part of her coursework in the nursing program through the Promise.

“The SBCC Promise has been extremely helpful, as it’s allowed me to focus on my education and not have to worry about being in debt after I graduate,” Tatiana said. “I’m so grateful for the assistance and being able to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse.” Her academic counselor at SBCC, Christy Grant, provided vital assistance with planning her course load. “She met with me several times, going over all of the possible options in the nursing program.”

Tatiana loves the nursing program at SBCC and has been especially inspired by her medical-surgical course. “It’s my favorite class! The course gets progressively more complex each semester. I love learning about pathophysiology, and find the endocrine and cardiovascular systems most intriguing.”

Dr. Barry Tanowitz, Tatiana’s anatomy and physiology professor, has also played a key role in her education at SBCC. She said, “He pushes you to learn, but also checks up on you. It seems to come naturally to him to watch out for his students.”

“I am grateful to the people who have believed in me and encouraged me to pursue this path,” said Tatiana. “It’s reassuring to walk onto campus knowing I’m fully supported by the SBCC ‘family’ as well. Thank you to SBCC and to the Foundation for everything you’ve done for my education!”

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